Competition Law of Ukraine

Competition Law of Ukraine

560.00 грн.
Модель: JK-13609
Наявність: Є в наявності
Переглянуто 1413 переглядів


  • Автор Oleksiy Kot
  • Вага 0.3 кг
  • Кількість сторінок 204
  • Мова англійська
  • Обкладинка твердий
  • Рік видання 2021
  • Тираж 300
  • Формат 145х200 мм
  • Продавець ЮрКнига


The research “Competition Law of Ukraine” by Oleksiy O. Kot is dedicated to give general overview of competition and antitrust regulation in legislation of Ukraine. After a brief description of the history of antitrust legislation development the main attention in this research paid to regulation of:

- protection from abuse of the monopoly;

- cartels (concerted actions);

- concentrations (M&A transactions);

- unfair competition;

- misleading information.

Liability for antitrust legislation breach as well as problems of the actual court practice are also analysed in this research.

Laws of Ukraine “On the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine” and “On the Protection of Economic Competition” (unofficial translation of their current versions with latest amendments on December 2020) are included as annexes to this publication.

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